As a trusted pharmaceutical distributor since 2001, South Pointe has made every effort to establish uniform safeguards to protect the public’s health from counterfeit or adulterated products. Our employees strive each day to provide our customers with a dedication and attention to detail to continually maintain these safeguards. South Pointe works with our trading partners and the state board of pharmacies to ensure we are current on all industry changes and guidelines.
South Pointe purchases products directly from over 100 FDA approved manufacturers which provides us extensive product availability and competitive pricing.
South Pointe is NABP DDA (formerly VAWD) accredited.
South Pointe is NCDQS QAS accredited.
South Pointe is an associate member of NACDS (National Assoc of Chain Drug Stores), a leading voice for the chain community pharmacy industry.
South Pointe actively participates in ECRM’s Generic Rx Program allowing us to maintain strong relationships with our manufacturers.